Our server administration and monitoring technical support plans cover every aspect of your server to ensure maximum uptime and reliability for your website and customers. Our team provides remote assistance for all your needs. We remotely handle all the server technical issues that you encounter which involves configuration, optimization, security – all bundled with 24/7 server monitoring as well.At Support Monk, our support engineers cover both your Linux and Windows servers with a variety of control panel configurations. You can leave all the headache with us while you get back to growing your company in the long run.
Server Administration Plans
Basic server management
Unlimited Support Tickets
24x7x365 Server Monitoring
60 Minute Response
Pro-Guard Server Security
Advanced server management
Unlimited Support Tickets
24x7x365 Server Monitoring
60 Minute Response
Pro-Guard Server Security
Critical server management
Pro-Guard Server Security
24x7x365 Server Monitoring
60 Minute Response
Pro-Guard Server Security
Setup Fees for Server Management
Unlimited server administration tickets
24/7 server monitoring – 5 min interval
15 minute emergency response
Control panel updates and server patches
Pro-Guard server security
Free Ezeelogin license
Standard third party server software
Initial server optimization
Server patches and upgrades
Nameserver and DNS management
Re-secured post intrusion
Nameserver and DNS management
Performance tuning
Hardware failure restoration
Server backup restoration
Server administration consultation
Kernel upgrades (grsecurity)
Proactive server security
Server log analysis
Custom needed settings
Unlimited server administration tickets
24/7 server monitoring – 5 min interval
15 minute emergency response
Control panel updates and server patches
Pro-Guard server security
Free Ezeelogin license
Standard third party server software
Initial server optimization
Server patches and upgrades
Nameserver and DNS management
Re-secured post intrusion
Nameserver and DNS management
Performance tuning
Hardware failure restoration
Server backup restoration
Server administration consultation
Kernel upgrades (grsecurity)
Proactive server security
Server log analysis
Custom needed settings
Unlimited server administration tickets
24/7 server monitoring – 5 min interval
15 minute emergency response
Control panel updates and server patches
Pro-Guard server security
Free Ezeelogin license
Standard third party server software
Initial server optimization
Server patches and upgrades
Nameserver and DNS management
Re-secured post intrusion
Nameserver and DNS management
Performance tuning
Hardware failure restoration
Server backup restoration
Server administration consultation
Kernel upgrades (grsecurity)
Proactive server security
Server log analysis
Custom needed settings
At Supportmonk, we want to match you with the technical support plan that’s apt for you after analyzing your company requirements. We’re not just here to make a sale. While we’d rather love your business, we’d love it more if we matched you with the right plan the first time. Unlike other companies, we won’t sell you something you don’t need. We have a plan that’s right for you and matches for satisfying your needs.
Above are our various plans and the services that come along with them. Choose the plan that best fits your needs, and of course if you have questions before you purchase a plan, we’ll be more than happy to discuss what we can do for you and provide you suggestions from our end too.
Our Pro-Guard Security audit is a comprehensive security review of your server to ensure maximum possible security.
Operating systems we support